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AI for Business

Microsoft Copilot for 365 is an AI assistant that integrates directly with the Microsoft 365 suite of business applications. Copilot allows small businesses to combine AI LLM technology with their existing business data, and automate monotonous workflows for more cerebral tasks.

Mason Infotech are helping small businesses to adopt AI into their business operations by launching a suite of new products and services:

  • Copilot Readiness, Pre-Deployment, and Deployment
  • End-User Adoption Training and Prompt-Engineering Training
  • Custom Copilot Builds with Copilot Studio
  • Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance of Copilot within Microsoft 365 Environment.

The Benefits are Real, the Barriers are Falling:

Implementing AI for business might seem daunting, but the barriers are lower than ever. Many affordable, user-friendly AI tools cater specifically to small businesses. With minimal technical expertise, you can be up and running quickly and start reaping the benefits.

Take the Next Step:

Speak to Mason Infotech about how Microsoft Copilot for 365 can help your small business. Start your journey today and see how AI for small businesses can become your greatest business partner.

Copilot Readiness, Pre-Deployment, and Deployment

Our team specialises in preparing your environment for Copilot integration, ensuring a smooth and swift deployment. We assess your systems, workflows, and objectives to tailor a Copilot solution that aligns with your business strategy, enabling you to harness the full potential of AI-driven assistance.

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End-User Adoption Training and Prompt-Engineering Training

When business make the decision to deploy Copilot, end-user adoption can be make or break. Prompt-Engineering can be crucial for optimising Copilot's performance. We provide comprehensive training for your end users, empowering them to craft effective prompts that yield precise and valuable outputs. Our hands-on approach ensures your team can confidently navigate and utilise Copilot to its fullest.

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Custom Copilot Builds with Copilot Studio

Your business is unique, and so are your needs. That’s why we offer custom Copilot Studio builds, designed to fit the specific requirements of your operations. Whether it’s integrating with existing applications or developing new functionalities, our custom solutions are built to enhance productivity and creativity across your organisation.

Responsible AI

Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance of Copilot within Microsoft 365 Environment.

We believe in proactive support to maintain the highest standards of service. Our dedicated team monitors Copilot’s performance within your infrastructure, providing regular updates and maintenance to ensure optimal functionality. With our vigilant approach, you can focus on your core business while we handle the technicalities.

AI for Small Business: Levelling the Playing Field

For small businesses, AI is elevating them to enable competition with even their largest competitors. Small business can use AI tools for automation, data analysis, and sales processing, so wether it's utilising Microsoft coPilot to speed up code development or using AI for analytics to gain insights into their business, small business can greatly benefit from AI.

Get started with Microsoft Copilot for 365

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