Microsoft Copilot | AI For Business | AI for SMB | AI for Small Business | AI for Business Operations | Mason Infotech

Copilot Readiness and Deployment

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Copilot Readiness

Before deploying Copilot for 365, it's important to ensure your Microsoft tenant is fully prepared. This involves ensuring every user has the correct licensing, Entra ID is correctly configured, and every app is on the correct update channel. There is also a security consideration to make, to ensure that data is protected using sensitivity labels and policies, and that permissions are configured to deliver relevant information while maintaining security and privacy. Mason Infotech assess each business's readiness with our Copilot Readiness assessment, and deploy once we are confident that your business is able to use AI to it's fullest capabilities.

Our Readiness Assessment is available upon request, and helps each business to understand whether AI is the right tool to help them find efficiencies within their business.


Before allowing your users to use Copilot to it's fullest extent, it's important to roll it out to a small group of users and go through a small period of testing. Mason Infotech helps businesses to understand how Copilot for 365 is interacting with their business data, and if there are any security risks to patch before rolling out to a larger group of end users.

Pre-Deployment, Mason Infotech ensure that Copilot for 365 will work as intended.

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Deployment into Microsoft 365 Environment

Every small business is unique, and so is each Microsoft 365 tenant. We tailor the configuration of your Microsoft 365 tenant to align with your specific Copilot requirements. Our experts ensure that your tenant is prepared for deployment before going live, ensuring Copilot operates as effectively as is expected. This includes fine-tuning permissions, enabling necessary features, and integrating Copilot with your existing applications and workflows.

Not sure where to get started? Ask the experts.

Copilot Readiness