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How to Build a Cybersecurity Culture


What Cyber Security Culture Looks Like

What is cyber security culture? At Mason Infotech, a company with a great security culture is one that expects and enables its employees to think about security as a collective and collaborative team effort, rather than just the problem of the IT team. Without a good culture, teams won't engage with the security goals of the business, and companies will be more vulnerable to attacks.

Building a strong cyber security culture is therefore vital to protecting your business from threats. Here's how successful businesses have built that culture:

1. Leadership Buy In

Leaders in the C-suite or company directorship's should be communicating and championing cyber security to the teams. Tone from the top is hugely influential in influencing behaviours across the business, and when board members set the tone, the workforce can follow.

When senior leadership ignores security policies or processes, the rest of the organisation also finds shortcuts. The best thing a leader can do if they want their teams to take security seriously, is to walk the walk themselves.

2. Clear Communication

Cyber security policies and protocols should be developed in partnership with the teams who will be enacting them, making sure they are clearly communicated and that the entire organisation understands how they play a part in keeping company data safe.

Guidelines for data handling, access control, remote work, and incident response should be stored and clearly marked in a shared file which the entire team can access, and communicated regularly.

3. Make Incident Reporting Easy and Blame-Free

Employees should be encouraged to report security incidents promptly, as soon as they become aware. By implementing an easy to use reporting system (ie, tell someone), incidents are highlighted quicker, allowing experts to understand their implications sooner. Equally, a blame-free culture ensures that all incidents do get reported, and makes it less likely that a team member doesn't report an incident out of fear or shame.

Easy incident reporting also ensures that incidents can be used as learning opportunities, or highlight failures in policy, which would allow for policy adaptation. The UK NCSC has a great video about reporting, which we have included below.

4. Invest in Cyber Security Awareness Training

Start by providing comprehensive cybersecurity training to all employees, from frontline staff to the C-suite. Mason Infotech offers both online and in-person training sessions, and cover essential topics like identifying phishing emails, creating strong passwords, and recognising threats. Paid cybersecurity training can offer specialised courses tailored to your business.

Our Online cyber security training for employees offers flexibility and convenience for team members to learn at their own pace. Encouraging employees to complete regular cybersecurity training courses to stay informed about evolving threats and best practices.

Reward employees who demonstrate exemplary security practices and contribute to a culture of security awareness. Incentivise behaviours like reporting potential threats, completing training modules, or achieving security accreditations.

Regularly assess the effectiveness of your cybersecurity training programmes and adjust them based on feedback and emerging threats. Monitor employee engagement with training materials, track security incidents, and conduct periodic security awareness assessments to measure progress and identify areas for improvement.

Building a cybersecurity culture requires a concerted effort to educate, engage, and empower employees to prioritise security in their daily activities. By investing in cybersecurity training, promoting awareness, leading by example, and continuously evaluating and improving your efforts, you can cultivate a workforce that is vigilant, informed, and proactive in defending against cyber threats. Remember that cybersecurity is everyone's responsibility, and by working together, we can create a safer digital environment for our organisation and stakeholders.

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